“No decisions are permanent. It’s okay to be wrong.”

Brad Martineau is the co-founder and CEO of Sixth Division. He spent 7 years leading the product development team at Infusionsoft before he was laid off, something he is grateful for today. At Sixth Division, he helps entrepreneurs build a better client journey through automation that results in more sales.

“Entrepreneurship is the greatest tool to show you all of your weaknesses and learn how to confront them.”

As an entrepreneur himself and someone who works with business owners every day, Brad has an interesting perspective on entrepreneurship and overcoming challenges in business. On this podcast we talked about his advice on growing your business and much more:
How we operate out of fear
Getting clarity in your business
Overcoming challenges in business
His philosophy for being successful in life
Scaling your business and when is the right time
Trying your own process

And best of all, Brad reveals the single greatest skill set for entrepreneurs.

If you want to learn more about Brad, check out the links below.

Website: https://www.sixthdivision.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradmartineau/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradmartineau

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