“One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is not deciding who their ideal client is.”

Monika Jansen is a kick-ass copywriter and strategist who started Jansen Communications in 2009. Jansen Communications is a boutique agency that helps small to medium-sized businesses grow and hit their business goals. Monika loves working with smaller companies because it allows her to see the direct impact of her work.

“Never ever undercharge for your work and never work for free.”

While discussing how Jansen Communications came to be and what Monika loves most about having her own company, she also shares her best advice on starting a business:

-Choosing the right clients
-Fundamentals to running a business
-How an accountant can make or break your business
-The importance of continuous learning
-Not being afraid to fire a client
-Work-life balance

If you’d like to reach out to Monika or learn more about her business, click the links below.

Website: https://jansencomm.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/monikacjansen?lang=en
LinedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monikacjansen/

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