Hopefully, by now your house is no longer flooded and you had an amazing 4th of July. Meanwhile, Evan, Brian and Larry have been slaving away in the studio to give you another amazing episode! This for real might be one of the best episodes we have recorded in a while.

Our main story this week is about the Tour De France. This episode takes a deep dive into what exactly caused a giant crash at the 2021 Tour De France. The 3 of us take a deep dive into exactly how hundreds of bikers ended up eat total shorts. Trust us you don't want to miss a thing.

Here are our sources for this episode! All videos and articles referenced in this episode are below.

Links to follow

Cycle protest-


Watch the crash here-


The man hunt ends-


Yet the autograph guy:


Cubs game - https://www.instagram.com/p/CQLr6nOJo0h/?utm_medium=copy_link


Sour day^^^


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