Each week, Greg and Ben answer your questions on digital marketing for local businesses … local search engine optimization (SEO), Google Business Profile, social media, email marketing, websites, online advertising and more.

Updates and Questions

AI can now update your GBP.New categories for Local Service Ads.Google Support contact options are back - chat and call support.Vicinity update fixes.Google In-store Products can help increase your GBP ranking. Google reviews aren’t showing up even though I can see them in the alert email - what should I do?We have really inconsistent results with Google Local Service Ads. Is there anything we can do with GBP other than accurate info?Any updates to Business Messages?Has anyone ever set up a a local business directory to get links from other local businesses or would that be considered spam?  Google keeps changing "Dine-in" to "No dine-in" which is hurting my business. What can I do to "lock in" the correct "Dine-in?" I have a client who had reviews disappear or never show up, and Google support says there is nothing they can do to bring them back - is there anything to do about this? My Restoration client would like to expand their hours to 24 hour services. Will that get me a suspension on my GBP?Can the tone of a 5 star review (ie. enthusiastic, specific information) make a difference in business ranking more than bland reviews? Does the Get Quote button only show for contractors? What categories get the ‘Get Quote’ button?I used to use my personal name for LinkedIn, but have now rebranded. Does my LinkedIn profile have to match all the other platforms and GBP?  How can I show varied hours on my GBP such as closing early because of slow business?


Google AI articleGoogle SupportLocal UGoogle In-store products

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