Weather Forecast for Jackson WI, by George Kasica - Netwrx Consulting


Wednesday (Aug 10): Partly cloudy in the morning, becoming sunny in the afternoon. Patchy light fog in the morning. Warm. High 84. Wind west around 7 mph, gusting to 17 mph.


Wednesday night: Partly cloudy. Low 62. Wind northwest around 7 mph in the evening, becoming north-northeast after midnight.


Thursday (Aug 11): Partly to mostly sunny in the morning, becoming sunny in the afternoon. High 78. Wind north-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 19 mph.


Thursday night: Clear to partly cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. Low 59. Wind north-northeast around 5 mph.


Friday (Aug 12): Partly to mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy to cloudy in the afternoon. High 78. Wind east-southeast around 7 mph, gusting to 15 mph.


Friday night: Mostly cloudy in the evening, becoming mostly cloudy to cloudy after midnight. Low 62. Wind southeast around 8 mph, gusting to 15 mph.


Saturday (Aug 13): Cloudy in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy in the afternoon. Breezy and warm. High 85. Wind south-southeast around 15 mph, gusting to 26 mph, in the morning, becoming 10 mph, gusting to 26 mph, in the afternoon.


Saturday night: Mostly clear in the evening, becoming clear after midnight. Low 63. Wind north around 4 mph in the evening, becoming 7 mph after midnight.


Sunday (Aug 14): Sunny in the morning, becoming partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. A 30% chance of rain in the afternoon. Scattered thunderstorms are likely. Hot. High 85. Wind north around 6 mph.


Sunday night: Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. A 30% chance of rain. Scattered thundershowers are possible. Low 62. Wind north around 2 mph in the evening, becoming 7 mph after midnight.


Monday (Aug 15): Cloudy in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy in the afternoon. A 30% chance of rain. High 74. Wind north-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 18 mph.


Monday night: Partly to mostly cloudy in the evening, becoming clear to partly cloudy after midnight. Moderate fog after midnight. Low 58. Wind north-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 17 mph.


Tuesday (Aug 16): Partly to mostly sunny in the morning, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. Light to moderate fog in the morning. Breezy. High 77. Wind northeast around 12 mph, gusting to 21 mph.


Tuesday night: Clear in the evening, becoming mostly clear after midnight. Patchy light fog after midnight. Low 58. Wind northeast around 7 mph, gusting to 15 mph.