On the Roundup today… the Melbourne council looking to medicinal cannibis for an alternative revenue stream; Kingston Council announces the appointment of its new CEO; A Western Australian council sacks its CEO; and the Sydney mayors finally get their meeting with the NSW premier.

Just some of the stories ahead on the Roundup, which is brought to you by the Victorian Local Governance Association, home of the VLGA Connect series of YouTube panel discussions and podcasts.

And by Hunt & Hunt Lawyers - providing advice to help Councils achieve the best for their communities.

Maribyrnong tests community appetite for medicinal cannibis production
Kingston appoints new CEO
Councils collaborate on reusable nappy program
Govt grants for desexing cats and dogs
Stonnington systems back up
NSW Premier meetings with Sydney Mayors: Liverpool response; ABC report;
Deputy Premier to meet with regional reps
New credit card guidelines for NSW councils
Willoughby calls for rethink on infrastructure contributions bill
Ravensthorpe Shire sacks CEO
Noosa to apply to join SEQ Council of Mayors
New Get Ready NWQ app launched
Shire of Manjimup cash payments for vaccinated staff
UK: support for Councils to take on Afghanistan resettlers
UK: competition to promote use of public infrastructure for 5G
South Africa - court rules local govt elections to proceed

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The Local Government News Roundup is brought to you by the Victorian Local Governance Association, the national broadcaster on all things local government.

Links for stories referenced in the podcast can be found in the transcript, or by visiting the Roundup website.