Happy New Year, y'all. We're ringing in what promises to be the most cursed year ever with our very first mailbag!


Time stamps:


00:04:40 — What are our new year's resolutions for the podcast and for our movie watching?


00:12:08 — Where's the weirdest place we've made whoopee?


00:12:57 — Which movie or TV show was the biggest waste of our time?


00:19:11 — What was the most surprisingly good movie we've covered on the podcast?


00:22:24 — What movie did someone hype up so much that it ruined the experience for us when we finally watched it?


00:29:58 — What is one movie that takes us straight back to childhood and gives us instant comfort?


00:35:40 — What are our criteria for movies that are not Load Bearing Beams? 


00:39:00 — What was the first R-rated movie that we each saw all the way through, and how old were we?


00:42:25 — How many movies named Casino Royale count as official James Bond canon?


00:43:40 — What are some of our favorite recent movies?


00:46:02 — What were some of our biggest fights over movies?


00:48:13 — If we role played, which movie character would we each want the other to be?


00:52:06 — If we had to be any movie hero, who would we be? Same question but villain?


00:57:48 — What was the initial moment/idea that led to the creation of Load Bearing Beams? How do we manage to work well together and also be married to each other?


00:59:52 — Does either of us have a best friend, and if so, what are they like?


01:00:05 — What is our dream crossover or mashup?


01:03:36 — Which movie would we like to see remade as a completely different genre?


01:03:30 — What is our favorite holiday movie?


01:04:40 — What is our favorite movie decade?


01:04:52 — Most underrated movie of all time?


01:06:15 — What's a movie we never thought we would see?


01:08:10 — What are our favorite comedy movies?


01:10:20 — What is our favorite movie genre?


01:11:10 — What are our favorite scary movies? 


01:12:09 — What are our favorite '80s movies?