As the world prepares to embrace its new Frozen Empire, lovingly brought to us by the good people at Ghost Corps, we take a look at a movie that was kind of Ivan Reitman’s unofficial Ghostbusters 3: 2001’s Evolution.

Um, so… yeah, this movie is something else, I tell you what. David Duchovny trying to be Bill Murray. Julianne Moore falling down. Selenium sulfide. A magical periodic table. But hey, Phil Tippett did the creature designs! And Seann William Scott’s always a fun addition.

Next week: The Producers (1968) with Harry Marks from Let’s All Go to the Lobby

Watch every episode of Load Bearing Beams on YouTube:


Time stamps:

00:03:07 — Our personal histories with Evolution and also Ghostbusters

00:09:24 — Pre-movie predictions

00:16:31 — History segment: The evolution of Evolution; career overviews of director Ivan Reitman and designer Phil Tippett

00:40:05 — In-depth movie discussion

01:34:57 — Final thoughts and star ratings


Artwork by Laci Roth.


Music by Rural Route Nine. Listen to their album The Joy of Averages on Spotify (, Apple Music (, or YouTube (


Songs by Rural Route Nine in this episode: 

“Winston-Salem” -

“Snake Drama” -

“The Bible Towers of Bluebonnet” -



“Don Jakoby wrote a science-based thriller but Hollywood had another idea” by Gloria Goodale | Christian Science Monitor, 2001 - 

“Who you gonna call? Not Bill Murray for 'Ghostbusters 3'” by Courtney Garcia | NBC News, 2012 - 

“The Writers Of ‘Evolution’ Reflect On The Film’s Adaptability 18 Years Later” by Josh Weiss | Forbes, 2019 -