here we come again with the interview with Jonathan Mosen, entirely in English. Below is the text that constituted the shownotes for the original entry, published a fortnight ago. Although some of the bugs we comment on in this interview appear to have been fixed in IOS 9.1 public beta 3, we want to include …

here we come again with the interview with Jonathan Mosen, entirely in English. Below is the text that constituted the shownotes for the original entry, published a fortnight ago. Although some of the bugs we comment on in this interview appear to have been fixed in IOS 9.1 public beta 3, we want to include this only-English version in our feed so that all our podcast listeners can enjoy this interview in its genuine version.

The day has come: IOS 9 is already out and available for everybody, not only as a public beta but as a final release. There are a lot of new things that have been packaged into the new version of the OS for Apple mobile devices but there are also bugs and issues that are still present in this release. To talk all about this, we bring into our podcast @jonathanmosen, and we comment on the imminent publication of his brand new book, IOS 9 without the EYE, where he goes through every new and enhanced feature of IOS 9 in a comprehensible and instructive way, as it is usual when Jonathan gets behind the keyboard. In our chat we talk about the following:

Issues when answering phone calls if the iphone is in silent mode or has headphones connected into the headphones’ jack.
Bugs and inconsistencies with external bluetooth keyboards
VoiceOver shows an unreliable behavior when we navigate through the today screen and the widgets area.

But not all the things are bad in IOS 9, of course. There are many improvements and enhancements in the accessibility area and also in the general system behavior. Here we list a few of them:

Touch accommodation: especially thought for people with mobility impairments, allowing to modify the timing of pressing and whether subsequent touches are treated as only one among other things.
Improvements for keyboard support, adding new commands for mail, safari, notes, though some of these commands are not available on the iPhone but they are only on the iPad.
Audiounits: the effects that come prepackaged on the mac will be available now for IOS, once they are uploaded to the App Store.

Moreover, we dive into several other projects in which Jonathan is involved such as FSCast, his Mosen Consulting company, and his revamped MushroomFM radio.

It was really amazing to spend almost an hour podcasting with Jonathan, and we thank him so much to be so kind as to devoting some of his precious time to us in the Spanish-speaking atmosphere.

The music for this episode is Malnova Luna by Pepe Frías available at In the publication date of this episode, this piece is under the Creative Commons license, that allows us to make non commercial use of the song.

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