Do people label you or make fun of you when you try to be who you feel you are? Do they try to change you or throw their expectations in your face? Sometimes no matter what we say, people just don’t hear us or accept us for who we are. And other times we hide our true selves away in fear or limiting beliefs that our unique self won’t be accepted and embraced, but rather ridiculed or dismissed. Being uniquely you can be a challenge. This week your host, Carol DeChaine, looks at what shapes our own opinion of ourselves, the labeling others throw on us and how it can impact how we feel about ourselves and our self-confidence. Do you want to come out of hiding? If you want to change your current reality, being unapologetically uniquely you will certainly do it. Let’s make those changes together and change our world.

In this episode:  

How Labeling can make your brain feel good  (2:18)How labeling can mess with your self-confidence  (3:28)How it can shape who you are and what you accomplish  (5:24)The gift to give yourself – How to be Uniquely You without negative judgment or excuses  (7:02)5 affirmations you can use to feel comfortable being uniquely you  (12:44)Summary and Wrap Up  (16:47)

Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at [email protected] to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

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Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
Voiceover-Robert Rossmann