What’s your relationship with failure like? Where do you see yourself as a failure and how have you responded to that failure?

John 21 is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Here we encounter how Jesus responded to Peter after what was probably his biggest failure yet – the denial of Jesus before His crucifixion.

Instead of scolding him, Jesus loves him and points him to his purpose and calling.  

I believe today’s podcast will bring you hope and remind you that your failure is not the end of your story, but perhaps the pathway for future ministry.


Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.

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