Today we’re continuing The Confidence Series with a look at Hebrews chapter 2 where we will recognize another reason we can be confident: because God is in control.

Much like us today, the early Christian believers were living in tumultuous times. They confronted injustice, endured suffering, and grappled with a sense of uncertainty, all of which tempted them to forsake their faith.

In this context, the author of Hebrews reminds them, and us, that even when things look messy, when life is challenging, and our suffering seems to have no end, God is in control, and we can freely trust Him!

Our confidence does not hinge on our immediate circumstances but is rooted in the One who holds the entirety of the universe and its unfolding history in His hands.

Whatever difficulties you might be facing today, this podcast will encourage you to look to Him and find the confidence to go on.



Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith, her Bible Study Through the Desert: A Study on God’s Faithfulness, and her forthcoming book Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This: A Christian Doctor's Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at

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