Welcome to Living Well with MS Coffee Break #3, where we travel to the San Francisco Bay Area to welcome Sarah T as our guest!


As you now know, we decided to do something a little different in expanding the range of content we produce here at Living Well with MS. To honor the community that forms the beating heart of Overcoming MS, this special series called Coffee Break features short interviews with members of the OMS community talking about their personal journeys adopting and staying on the OMS 7 Step Recovery Program, the challenges they encountered and how they overcame them, and their tips and tricks for sticking to the path that leads to better health.


We hope you enjoy and learn from these intermezzos between our regular episodes, and as always, your comments and suggestions are always welcome by emailing [email protected].




Sarah lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two young children. She has spent 15 years consulting in pharmaceutical and academic health outcomes research, and she is most recently a Director of Research at a health technology company. When she was first diagnosed with MS, she was devastated. She immediately dove into the research on MS, and Dr. Roy Swank’s findings gave her much hope. Sarah adopted the Swank diet along with starting a disease modifying medication. She discovered George Jelinek’s book and OMS in late 2012 and has appreciated its evidence-based and holistic approach to managing the disease. She is currently sheltering in place with her family, and, like many other parents across the world, she is appreciating teachers like never before.




Can you tell us a little about yourself, your family, your life, where you live and anything about yourself you’d like to share? When were you diagnosed with MS and how long have you been following the Overcoming MS 7 Step Recovery Program? What is your favorite thing about the program, namely what do you feel has made the biggest positive impact? What was your greatest challenge in adopting the OMS program, and how did you overcome it? How have you had to adapt your daily healthy habits to the new realities imposed by COVID-19? Do you have any other tips or tricks you can share with our audience that might help them on their journeys?




OMS COVID-19 main resource page

Excellent COVID-19 resource page from Dr. Gavin Giovannoni


If you post something concerning OMS and COVID-19, especially if it’s a bit of good news during this rough patch, don’t forget to use the hashtag #positivelyOMS.


Coming up on our next episode:


On the next full-length episode of Living Well with MS, launching May 27, 2020, we have the honor of welcoming Caroline Clarke, Chief Executive of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, to hear both her personal and professional insights on Overcoming MS.


Don’t miss out:


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