Thanks for listening in to our second season’s second episode. Deuces are wild, so we are breaking with our usual format and setting the stage for two podcasters to have a frank and intimate conversation about their respective journeys. Joining Geoff for this episode is the talented Jessie Ace – blogger, illustrator and host of the DISabled to ENabled, a podcast that aims to inspire people living with chronic illness.


Jessie has interviewed everyone from Paralympians and radio DJs to chronic illness bloggers and marathon runners. She’s also a writer and illustrator for the biggest MS charities worldwide, such as the multiple sclerosis today, National MS Society, MS Society UK, shift.MS, MS-UK amongst others, and has also written articles and illustrated for Momentum magazine, MS Matters and New Pathways. Jessie was diagnosed with MS at 22 and says MS makes her feel blessed every day to be able to live a new life and to connect with so many amazing people. Her own experience of being newly diagnosed so young was negative and scary, so she wants to change this for other young people and support them through the process by being a patient advocate.


In lieu of specific questions, Jessie and Geoff discuss their respective MS diagnoses and the challenges they faced, as well as focusing a bit on OMS and how its 7 Step Recovery Program can help add a ray of hope to people with MS.




Jessie Ace’s Website

From DISabled to ENabled Podcast

Jessie Ace’s Blog

Enabled Warriors on Facebook

Enabled Warriors on Instagram

Geoff Allix’s Bio


Our next episode, Dr. Aaron Boster, an Ohio-based board-certified clinical neuroimmunologist specializing in MS, returns to the guest chair to rejoin Geoff in discussing lifestyle choices and how many the right (or the wrong) ones can impact your MS. Be sure to tune in!


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