Previous Episode: Through Much Tribulation!
Next Episode: Light of the World!

Some of us have come to the realization that we are actually helpless in many ways. When it comes to certain weaknesses, (we all have weaknesses by the way), our fight to overcome them has failed time and time again. The good news is however, that God knows this, and that He has the solution.

The challenge to Kingdom Courage

Some of us have come to the realization that we are actually helpless in many ways. When it comes to certain weaknesses, (we all have weaknesses by the way), our fight to overcome them has failed time and time again. The good news is however, that God knows this, and that He has the solution.

That solution is to confess to Him our need, and to trust in Him to forgive us, to give us peace, and the power to overcome all the problems we face in this life.

God’s grace means that Jesus Christ came to save sinners who have done nothing to earn their deliverance. This truth has been wonderfully captured in the hymn by John Newton, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.”

These days we are seeing the increase of political upheaval, suicide rates, drug overdoses, racial strife and the threat of nuclear war. Recently the fear of how a deadly virus can so quickly and easily spread over the entire world has become validated.

Believers in Christ have a place of refuge in Him and a hope that transcends all fears. They know their great and Almighty God is still in charge and has loving intentions for His Creation. They find encouragement in the knowledge of His Amazing Grace.

This has been my personal experience. Every time life’s cares and concerns become overwhelming, I find help and hope in seeking Him, my God and my Savior. My future and the future of the world is in His Hands. All I want to do then is to rest in Him and enjoy His wonderful presence within. At the same time a certain uneasiness can come over me. Is it all really about me? Is that the end of His plan? Why am I still at times unsatisfied within?

During these times have I forgotten the words of Jesus and His call to action? Did not Christ and His apostles teach us to cast our cares upon Him while at the same time sharing the burdens of others? Did not they prove that true joy and peace were to be found in sacrificial service?

Here is where we can see how the gospel of the Kingdom includes both the revelation of God’s super-abounding grace towards us, and His extending that same grace to others through us!

Praise God for His great love for me! Without it I would continue to be a self-serving, passive and miserable person vainly chasing personal security and pleasure for all of my days. Yes, in His love for me He has given me a purpose. That purpose sometimes stretches me beyond what I think I can accomplish. Yet, every time I accept His challenge Christ Himself empowers me in it. He en-courages me — He instills courage in me to move forward in Him!

Hears the deal: it is a great tragedy that far too many people, including believers themselves, see the Christian life as simply an escape from the troubles that surround us. Certainly there is a higher place for us to dwell in Christ while living in this world. In fact it is from this higher, spiritual life that we are able to serve the world around us. This perspective of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, praying for His Kingdom to come, God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven truly gives the church vitality and passion! This IS that higher life!

This is a life of resisting cowardice and embracing the courage that only God can give!