Even though it's only January, it isn't too early to start thinking about protecting your home from termites. Swarmers will be on the way in the next couple of months, but there are steps you can take now to make 2019 termite free.

While we're starting the New Year, we have plenty of things on our minds including resolutions and getting back to work. It's the time of year to be proactive. In particular, homeowners have a bunch of tasks to complete to keep things functional and clean.

But, what about the things you can’t see? January is a great time to get a jump on protecting your home from termites. Those little guys can really do some damage if you aren’t prepared.

I’m happy to have Jeff Ford from Peachtree Pest Control on the second episode of Living the Surf Coast to talk about the upcoming swarming season. Jeff also got great advice on termite inspections, and things you should avoid doing around the house that could actually attract termites.

I learned some really great information from this interview, and Peachtree Pest Control is a great source to education when dealing with unwanted house guests.

You can also connect with Jeff and the Peachtree Pest Control team on Facebook Where they provide great tips and facts on everything pest related.

So, listen to the show and make a plan to terminate those termites!