Betsy Hicks-Russ is a leading expert with over 25 years of experience in holistic health as the former CEO of Green Health Wellness as well author of Picky Eating Solutions (2010) that evolved into an online course.  Betsy is also the Director of Autism Odyssey and creator of the Be Kind Vest.

Betsy has delivered lectures around the world about meal planning, special diets, and holistic health for autistic individuals. Her experiences with her 30-year-old son, Joey has driven her to become an impassioned expert on the relationship between nutrition, movement, and fresh air being vital for the mind and body.

Betsy strives to give those who may not have a voice the chance to express themselves and seek freedom from prejudice and social barriers. Her dedication to health and wellness translates directly to her passion for caregiving and the mission to create space for people living on the autism spectrum to be heard, understood, and embraced.

You can connect with Betsy at:;; and Tiktok/Instagram/Facebook @BetsyOnTheGo


To purchase my book “Welcome to My Life – A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism” visit!

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