Cindy and Justin are mother and son duo advocates. Justin is 18 and has a dual diagnosis of Autism/ADHD, he was diagnosed at 18 months old. Aside from the role of mom, Cindy serves as Justin's full time carer/respite worker. She has dedicated the last 17 years to sharing their stories and experiences regarding autism, disability and most recently, Mental Health advocacy. In 2020, at the age of 49, Cindy was diagnosed with ADHD. She also has co-morbid diagnoses that include generalized anxiety disorder and depression.    In 2019 Justin was unschooled at 16 due to ongoing years of crisis in the education system. As a response to meltdowns Justin was restrained, which resulted in extreme fear and anxiety. Due to Justin's limited ability to communicate his fear came out in severe behaviors, which in turn increased his meltdowns and progressed to aggression and blind rage. Within weeks of being removed from school, Justin's aggression stopped and he is currently thriving.   As a result, Cindy and Justin both have C-PTSD from years of fighting broken systems. Cindy openly advocates about the dire need for services, supports, programming and funding for Disabilities and Mental Health as well as the need for Crisis and Trauma informed care for individuals and families as a whole.   Their FB page advocates through the lens of empathy, validation and respect for all lived experiences. We are a strength based page and concentrate heavily on coping strategies, co-regulation between carer/parent and child/teens/adults.    Cindy has changed everything she was taught through therapies back in 2006. Her mindset is one of radical acceptance, despite what professionals have told her about Justin in his younger years, their current strategies are working in Justin's favor. Justin is labelled as complex, high needs but with the proper supports he is the complete opposite of who he was pre-crisis.   You can follow Cindy & Justin's journey on FB: @looking at life through different lenses or IG / TikTok: @lookingatlifewithjustin


To purchase my book “Welcome to My Life – A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism” click HERE or visit!

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