Growing up Julie Fackrell always knew that one day she was going to live in California. She had no idea that mental illness and a late diagnosis of autism would be the vehicle that brought her there. Julie has two kids, Jacob is 28, Emma is 18 and they are the brightest stars that guide her. When she's not busily working the days away keeping schedules on track and completing various mom duties, Julie finds time to work on her art projects and indulges in self care which is usually playing phone games with the tv on in the background and the occasional mani/pedi. She  spent much of her life working in the theatre as an actor and director, and hopes to return to the stage one day. Most of her time spent on “mom duties” consists of medical management and advocacy for her son who is on the autism spectrum, and suffers with mental illness.

**EDIT - weeks after our recording, Julie was abruptly informed by their IHSS provider that her son Jacob would be stripped of his protective supervision, which is the bulk of his services. It seems that with no notice, he was changed to 'self directed.' So, per Julie, "even though it's great living in CA for services, it's like walking a tight rope. I now have to hire an attorney and fight this never ending battle."

You can connect with Julie via her FB page: Julie's World or her website:


To purchase my book “Welcome to My Life – A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism” click HERE or visit!

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