In this episode of Living the Dream Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) talk with Tad Tietze (@Dr_Tad) about the idea of antipolitics he developed with Elizabeth Humphrys(@liz_beths). We talk about what politics is and how it relates to capitalism and the state. Tad argues that politics is increasingly detached from society and what this means and how communism as ‘the real movement’ can and should related to politics. Tad argues that this analysis has serious and devastating implications for what we call The Left and Activism. We debate if there is any role, before the emergence of social movements, for the agency of anticapitalists.

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 Tad provided the following reading list

On anti-politics in general (with Liz Humphrys):

On anti-politics and neoliberalism (with Liz Humphrys):

On Greece:

On Australia:

On Trump:

On recuperating politics:

The Piping Shrike on Corbyn:


We also mention a debate between Plan C and Angry Workers of the World over Directional Demands