In this episode, Rachel Howe of Small Spells and Eryn Johnson about Rachel's journey (started with learning Reiki!), the energetic foundation of her work, what small spells means and how it started, her personal practice, the connection between creativity and spiritual practice, how creating her tarot deck shifted her relationship with the tarot, integrating and processing, connecting your own authority to what you learn, empowering Virgo placements, connecting to your intuition and channeling, the connection between self-doubt and intuition, the transition from Pisces to Aries and Aries energy (from her Aries sun and my Aries moon!), Uranus shifting from Aries into Taurus, coming more deeply into the present moment, and working with your thoughts as tools and not letting them control you.

Blog for this episode:

Explore Rachel's website and sign up for her astrology newsletter and follow her on Instagram.

Aries season tarot reading pre-orders are open, get yours here (option for the reading + distance Reiki session here). Connect with me on Instagram here. Book private Reiki sessions and check out my events in Philly.

Sign up for Tarot for the Wild Soul with my code ERYN to receive a free Aries season tarot reading + Aries season zine to support you throughout the course!

Access zines (including the Pisces season zine!), embodied tarot classes (this month’s is The Empress), a breathwork meditation, community circles, and more on Patreon for as little as $2 a month.