About Debi Carlin Boyle:

Debi Carlin Boyle is a fitness and nutrition professional with over two decades of experience in the fields of health and wellness as well as commercial production. Her credibility in these fields is well established, having worked at some of west Los Angeles’ most prestigious gyms and with a numerous group of fitness and health enthusiasts which include David Duchovny, Nick Nolte, Kyra Sedrick, Kevin Bacon, Gabrielle Reese, Jamie Kurtz, David Steinberg and Jennifer Beals, among others. A believer in the fundamentals of fitness and diet rather than fleeting trends, Debi helps her clients maximize their genetic potential through her back-to-basics approach. By following her balanced exercise, diet, and lifestyle regimes, her clients see results that are not just dramatic, but more importantly lasting and sustainable for their continued healthy lifestyles.

Debi is spreading her no-nonsense and holistic approach to health and wellness through online video blogs, magazine articles, her live streaming radio show BalancedLife with Debi Carlin Boyle, Conversations Connecting to a Healthier You ( UBNGO.COM), her soon to be released book on Aging Young and other multimedia content. Her authentic and creative approach to health is a breath of fresh air in a market saturated by so-called ‘quick fixes,’ and her extensive experience in production gives her an accessible and transparent voice. Debi's goal is to help the widest possible audience achieve a long and healthy life.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

What should we be aware of as we age with regards to self-care and lifestyle adjustments? What are t best types of exercise as we age? What changes with age? What do you mean by condition vs. constitution? 5 most important things that we must do to ‘age young'

Connect with Debi Carlin Boyle: 

Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/balancedlife-with-debi-carlin-boyle/id1454069491

Website: https://www.balancedlifebydebi.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balancedlifebydebi/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/balancedlifebydebi/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Gi1uKwBJHCj3KkE9dSc2A?view_as=subscriber

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debi-carlin-boyle-122a129/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.balancedlifebydebi.com%2F


Connect with Lynne:

If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized & Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

5 Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health: Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


How to Thrive in Menopause:  Hot flashes? Low Energy? Difficulty with weight management? If MID-LIFE & MENOPAUSE are taking their toll then I've got a solution for you! I've taken all my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthy, and compiled them into this FREE resource! Thrive in midlife and beyond - download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


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