LH 141: How to draw in beneficials and pollinators with flowers

There are huge rewards when you grow your vegetables and flowers in one space of your garden.

In this episode, host Theresa Loe brings on flower farmer Lisa Ziegler to explore exactly how we can use companioning planting to draw in beneficial insects, pollinators and so much more.

You will learn:      Which flowers will help your tomatoes and why      How your planting space determines sunflower height      The difference between cool and warm season annuals      How to prevent overwhelm when growing veggies      Why native bees are so awesome for veggies      A different way to do CSA farm memberships      Lisa’s favorite sunflower for cut flower bouquets

As always, you can get all the links mentioned in the episode at www.LivingHomegrown.com/141 and you will also find a full transcript of the show and more articles and podcasts for Living Farm Fresh Without The Farm.

This podcast episode was brought to you by Theresa Loe's membership program - The Living Homegrown Institute where you learn the skills for a living farm-fresh lifestyle. Go to www.LivingHomegrown.com/PATH to get the free PDF outlining how to have success on your own farm fresh journey.