Today we talk about what homesteading IS, trying new things and so much more in a return episode of THE SPICY SISTERS with Amy Dingmann.


Featured Event: SRF Digital Passes


Paul Wheaton is about to launch a new Kickstarter campaign on Tuesday March 14, 2023.  If you're new around here, you may not be aware that Paul's kickstarters always give away a massive amount of amazing stuff for just a buck.  The caveat - you have to back the kickstarter in the first 48 hours of the campaign to get all the earlybird rewards.  The only way to make sure you don't miss out is by clicking "notify me on launch" on the kickstarter page.


Click "notify me on launch" here:


The kickstarter is for the Low Tech Laboratory Movie, featuring innovations in homesteading, woodland craft, hot tubs, kilns, forges, textiles, bees, foraged clay pottery, mycelium, solar power, off-grid solutions, and more.


The earlybirds alone are worth well over $100 bucks.  They gave me an exclusive sneak peak of what's included:

-Videos about heating Greenhouses with Rocket Mass Heaters, and Truly Passive Greenhouse Design

-The fourth issue of Living Woods Magazine

-The Hidden Half of Nature, a microbial presentation by Anne Bikle and David Montgomery

- Toby Hemenway's excellent Permaculture Voices keynote, " Backing Off an Energy Cliff"

- An issue of Modern Homesteading Magazine

- An ebook about practical homesteading

- Tiny house magazine issue 121

- And issue of Permaculture Design Magazine

- A Kelly Hart film about natural building


Don't miss out on this ridiculous offer.  Everything you need to up your homesteading and self-reliance knowledge, for as little as $1.  But you have to click the "notify button" to get it . . .


click "notify me on launch" here:

Show Resources

Living Free in Tennessee

A Farmish Kind Of Life


Main content of the show

Discussions guided in part by our notes and in part by viewer questions


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



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