Today, I share the benefits of having completed #75Hard, as well as talk about what life has been like AFTERWARD. We also will have our usual Monday segments on pantry management, the shopping report, a frugality tip, and operation independence.

Featured Event: Earlybird Pricing is Expiring for the Self Reliance Festival. Grab your tickets now.

Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources

Sponsor 2:, Discount Code: LFTN

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Livestream Schedule - Live on Youtube and other places.

🎙️ Today at 4 pm - I'll be live recording the Monday Podcast. Join me for some interesting discussions! 🎙️ Tuesday at 9:30 am - Don't miss the Tuesday Coffee Talk with Jack Spirko and John Willis Show. Grab your coffee and be part of the conversation. 🎙️ Friday at 10:30 am - Tune in to the Homestead Happenings Show for all things homesteading.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Barely keeping up with food preservation projects Using up the meat in the black upright freezer to get ready for fall bovines The tomato trick Tomato Picnic Salad, recipe of the week Harvest Right has a new line of freeze driers:

Weekly Shopping Report, 7/25/23

I can't find the page where I wrote down prices, in any pocket. Fortunately, I don't think anything in Aldi changed.

Our first stop was the recycle center.

We skipped Dollar Tree this week, since I had bought an extra energy drink for my trip, and we didn't need anything else there.

I ran into Home Depot to check the price of a 2x4x8, and it has indeed dropped quite a bit, to $2.98. It has been months if not years since they were under $3.00.

Aldi was last. Looking at last week's staple prices, I don't think anything changed. I did notice definite gaps in the meat coolers. I won't decide anything about that until this weekend though, since we don't normally shop on Tuesdays and this could be when they might have a lull. They also had none of the 70% chocolate I like, but the price tag at its spot had not changed, so I'll just look again this weekend.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.

Frugality Tip

Hey all. Today's frugality tip is a gardening hack. What I use to tie my plants to stakes and trellis is t-shirt yarn. It moves with the plants and prevents you from tying too tight and ruining your plant babies. 

Take an old Tshirt, lay it flat, and cut strips. I cut off any bottom folded over seam on the shirt and discard. Then cut all the way across the shirt. Take that strip and cut into pieces 3-4" inches long. Then pull those pieces in both directions and they will spring into stretchy "yarn" like ties. 

Double hack, cut a couple of strips off the bottom, then cut the sleeves and neck line off (can use the sleeves to make ties as well) then sew across the bottom of the shirt and you have a stretchy bag you can use for harvesting your veggies, or shopping. 

Operation Independence

Freedom Cell and Homesteader’s Alliance Meetup in the Holler, Aug 5 Medford Oregon Meetup, Aug 9

Main topic of the Show: Life After #75Hard

What are you going to do to keep your gains after #75hard? What’s next? How is it going now that you are not on #75hard?

All these questions have been pouring in since I finished my 75Hard challenge and I have stayed pretty quiet about it because I just wasn’t sure. I can tell you that my final ten days were the hardest. My body was struggling with the exercise and I had to push through. My morning motivation was crap. I was doing that thing I do when I have done “most” of a thing and do not feel like finishing. 

Which brings me to the lessons learned part of this.

Lesson one: finish

Lesson two: decide

Lesson three: plan

Lesson four: prioritize yourself – and just prioritize the important

Lesson five: no

Lesson six: early starts

Lesson seven: You are the story you tell yourself - i finally dropped below my “stuck weight”

Lesson eight: making old age easier & knowing what you can do

Lesson nine: physical health improves mental health

Lesson ten: our food system is jacked up

So really. What does life look like after #75hard

John willis asked me that and I said I am basically still doing it, just not the water part. He was surprised that was the thing that wrinkles. The delio is sometimes I do not need a gallon, sometimes I need less, sometimes more. Listening to my body seems more important.

Building swimming/workouts/dog walks/pilated/fitness as top priority Eating clean Keeping the deadline discipline No Looking at doing 75hard type things on a schedule  Lose another 10-15 Challening myself to swim faster Working with SHTF Fitness on making more strength and function gains Marketing consistency, business development, and a big transition at Holler Roast

Social Reminder

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Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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