Today, we talk about learning new things and how that fits in with a happy and productive life. I also highlight a new side hustle that one of our community has launched, and review the results of a recent survey that came from the weekly mail.

Have you signed up for the weekly mail? Do so here.

Featured Event: Early Bird Prices are about to be a thing of the past for Self Reliance Festival

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Livestream Schedule

Tuesday Live with Davian McNight, 2:30 PM Central Friday Homestead Happenings, 10:30 Central Time 

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Getting ready for the canning webinar: Bone in chicken Failed to notice a rotting butternut squash “What’s that smell?” Spicy Pickle relish (thoughts on condiments) Return of the Dinner for One concept Quick Cube Steak Recipe Send me pictures of 4% vinegar if you find them at your store (And how to react to information like that)

Side Hustle Feature: BovineBits

Operation Independence

New Round of Items for Auction Chicken Composting System is Beginning to Work Holler Roast Update

Main topic of the Show: Learn New Things or Die

Evocative headline, no?

They say if you are not growing, you are failing in business - the same goes for building your life. If you are not learning something new, you are dying.

75hard, one more day (LEARN new things) Spinning Wheel Community Story Setting it up: attempt | Learning | Attempt | Learning | ATTEMPT | jury rigged part filed | Ordered new part Youtube university Revisited the drop spindle So now yall are going to her for the next few months all about me learning how to spin wool - and this is a good thing Chicken Processing Story (LEARN new things) When things become habitual they seem easy, yet for a first timer, they can be quite hard Are you cruising right now? Or pushing yourself? LEARN new things What is that one thing you have been avoiding because you do not know how to do it? (LEARN new things)

Weekly Mail Survey Results:

Community Update, Events, Recipes and Tips (Avoiding the greater reset)

Social connection: Medford Oregon Meetup on August 9 - RSVP Here.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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