Join me for an early summer update about what is happening on the Homestead. Chicken processing class is coming soon, more babies than we know what to do with, garden update, dry weather and more.

Featured Event: John Willis’ Chainsaw Event, June 17 in Camden, TN

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Sponsor 2:  AgoristTaxAdvice.comm


Honeysuckle Last wild rose harvest (until there are rosehips in the fall) Day lilies Harvesting seed heads from pasture grasses Perilla About time for wild raspberries but I haven't seen any


Breeding one rabbit 28 babies so far this year, starting raw diet Baby chicken and duck update - looks like all female ducks but we are waiting before I claim that Meat birds are about ready to process - Join our 6th annual Chicken Class, June 24 New dogfood for lgd’s, costs less and better quality - pairing with rabbits


It has been dry 1st fodder tree harvest Strawberries are slowing down Chard, scapes, peas, broccoli, nasturtium Last round of lettuce Tomato wall update (1st flowers) Slowly managing the food forest from a pioneering species standpoint Harvested: peppermint, tarragon Garlic almost ready to harvest Time to thin out strawberries

Harvest Meals

Sautes, salads, and time management Bone broth

Holler Neighbors/Community

Gun class and shooting range Coyote hunting Meeting  - coyote call, plans, etc SMART Homesteading Webinar  - group



Kitchen forward momentum Solar water is a thing now - grounding and breakers were addressed Runoff adjustments - keeping water on property even though it is dry Final push on perimeter fence


100% eating off the homestead

Thoughts on the busy season and keeping sanity.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


Membership Sign Up Holler Roast Coffee Harvest Right Affiliate Link