Today we talk about rabbit poos systems, a sheep hay sled, more on electric fences, building community and more.

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Self Reliance Through Permaculture:

Marc 2 in Crossville, $25

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Listener Feedback


I've been a listener for a couple years now and between you and Tim I finally started a business.  Still getting things moving but I used Joshua at getahostnow and he was great at getting me off the ground with a website (still building it now).  Thank you for being an inspiration for those that want to be free! Jesse

Tattooing Rabbits

You probably know this already, but I thought I would share my experience tattooing rabbits.

If you can get tattoo paste (black is best, in my opinion) that works so much better than other options So here is what did: 

-clean left ear

-use a towel over the head (to prevent bites/scratches)...a lot easier with two people..but otherwise, hold in your arm with rabbit head in your elbow


-wipe any blood

-smear and press tattoo paste into the holes 

-wipe off excess with a slightly damp cloth, check to make sure color in every hole

With characters-we would put the number of the year as last character (so 2024, 4 at the end), and first digit of which doe it came from (so, doe "Aphrodite," all her descendents started with A) 

And I'd HIGHLY recommend starting pedigree so you can avoid too much incest . The does will become too dumb to take care of babies, or become vicious, or do other dumb things. 

Hope this helps! Also, did you get my email about recirc pump to help with frozen pipes in your house? 

Take care, Kelsey

Parallel fence and power lines especially can interfere with your circuit.

It might be possible, in an Edge Case situation like that, that the grounding rods and salt could combine to form cupric oxide diodes around the ground rods, which will rectify the voltage into the ground (passing DC voltage in one direction and passing it in the other).

Disclaimer: I am not an electrical engineer. I'm a liberal arts grad and math is a distant second language.

Sorry about the sheep. That is rough. Something to "look forward to" (not) at the time we get animals on our place. Best, packradt packradt


Dandelion Chick weed Dead nettle Wild garlic


No lambs yet - technically due March 1-20 Duck jail Duck litter process - do the work of the chickens Duck feeder update LGDs prefer chicken over rabbit but rabbits are easier to raise Wing clipping Laying in the listeria contaminated place


Peas are in Beds are in More wood chips needed ¾ of food forest is pruned Want a wood chipper Seedlings not started but seeds chosen Time to re-up the AP system

Holler Neighbors/Community

Seeking homestead sitter Getting a homestead intern in April Homestead Alliance Meeting Second Sat in March: potluck and seed exchange 1pm-3pm


Rabbitery update Sheep Hay sled Solar update


Eggs should be for sale shortly, rabbit poop idea

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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