Today, we talk through a roundup of questions I have gotten over the past two weeks related to fall homesteading activities. From canning to heating, y’all have been busy trying to figure stuff out. Of course, some of these questions have been addressed over on the LFTN Coffee Break group on Facebook, but I just figured if one of you has a question, many of you have the same question.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Still need to do the consult Pantry yielded many benefits this week More in the full content of today’s show

What Mother Nature is providing

Goldrod’s last week Fall plants are coming up well in other people’s gardens - but not mine.

Stump the Sauce

What to do when you can't make your food hot enough.

Operation Independence
Food for friends: Ad trade, canned foods from the pantry = low expense to be a helpful member of the community.

Main topic of the show: A Fall Roundup on Homesteading

Q1: How do I figure out how many pounds of tomatoes to use to yield a certain number of jars?

Q2: Tattler lids - can you reuse the rubber gasket?

Q3: What is it like to heat with a wood stove only?

Q4: How do you integrate a new rooster to your flock?

Q5: I just got a ton of persimmons that are not completely ripe, what do I do with them? I hate to throw them away…

Q6: What kind of garlic grows well in Tennessee?

Q7: Is it ok to raid my bees for honey now?

Q8: Should I store my canned goods with the ring on or the ring off the jar?

Q9: How do I store my potatoes and squash?

Q10: How much firewood is enough?

Q11: What about garden bed preparation?

Q12: What should I plant now for spring?

Q:13: What else can you do to prepare your home for winter?


Garlic Chili Paste Ghost peppers Tiny Thai Hot Peppers  Music Seed Garlic from Territorial Chesnok Red Garlic Seed at Seedsavers Links to thermal thermometers Imaging Camera CAC Team:

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja