Today, we will do a Holler Homestead roundup review and look into fall. That’s right, it has been a few months since we took a look at my homestead here, how it is doing, and where we are going as we move into fall. Right now is when you should be readying your fall beds. Now is when you should be at least half wat finished canning your winter stores. Now is when you should be thinking – Christmas is coming, what will I make for gifts? And now is a great time for the quarterly assessment of your lifestyle goals.

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What Mother Nature is Providing

This is where we talk about what is coming off the land around us to enrich our lives.

Passion flower: Goats have unearthed passionflower which will turn into passion fruit this fall Elderberries are coming on fast and I will miss harvesting some due to my business trip this week.  All the vegetables: squash, beans, corn, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, swiss chard Sweet potato greens: Recipe and processing and the sifference from potatoes A tale of the megadill plants at Cider Hollow Farm

What we are preserving this week

This is where we talk about what we preserve, when we preserve it, and how we process it.

Drying herbs On the road A word on recovering from Pneumonia and the relative level of activity a person can sustain (It’s like altitude sickness)

An aquaponics update

A word on pests Balancing the system and what we did to fix it Funky germination Volume of food and what I will do differently next year Trellising Prune and layer things differently More purposeful layering More beds and not all the things in all the beds

Tales from the prepper pantry

Bee update: Wax moths and the related cleanup It’s official, we are 1/3 ready for winter. 1 room is full of jars. Still pushing slowly forward on the reset for fall storage

Operation Independence

Three new ducks and a chicken Campground expansion in process #my3things is growing Headed to Houston for the week to earn money


Summer at the Holler Homestead.

Song: Every Way, by Sauce