Today, I want to circle back on community, self-reliance, and side hustles. You see, we had a great Spring Workshop here in late April, and some pretty cool relationships came from that. And not just the - oh hey I met you at a workshop kind, but some real relationships. My next door neighbor has worked two days at another participant’s farm, there is another gathering coming up this weekend that has coordinated itself, and so much more. 

What Mother Nature is providing

Hemlock is flowering The usuals for salad: hairy vetch, watercress, dandelion Garlic scapes!! Salad Sprouts are back up and running since I am home

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Farmers market update: All salads all the time - things are waaay behind this season Staying the course on using things up

Harvest Bounty

We lost about 5 of the 20 fish 

Operation Independence

Update on the new schedule: Today has been the first day I was able to really follow it. The AirbnB is open for the season and we are getting lots of rent

Song: Wolf by Sauce