Today we talk about 10 tips for coordinating a workshop on your own property. Want to know why? Well, selfishly, this is in part because ALL I am thinking about right now is workshop details. And also because I know lots of you are on your own side hustle or entrepreneurial adventure. It is so cool when you send me emails about what you are up to. And you guys have neat skills that not everyone has. When you are in this situation, it becomes tempting to host a workshop and share the knowledge. So today, we will go over some early lessons I have learned getting the LFTN18 Spring Workshop up and running.

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The 10 tips for hosting a workshop on your homestead

Organize your schedule around a foundational speaker. Organize your schedule around a foundational speaker. Give yourself at least 6 months or a year to get this right: Marketing, mechanics of web sign up, overview emails, getting your grounds read, all take a ton of time. Events a bloody expensive. Infrastructure need to have vs nice to have list - then cut the need to have list in half and set realistic participant expectations. When someone offers to help, find a way to let them help. Your community helping you go toward the same mission is what will make or break you. Hire help. You may be really good at catering these things. You dont actually have time to do that. Know the roles, write them down, have some backups ready to go. Empower the participants to make things better. (Slack) Organize early and often. Remember the little things are the most important. Inform your neighbors Do a run of show two weeks in advance


And remember this tip from one of our friends: You will always wish you had 2 more weeks to get ready (from David at Cider Hollow)

And with that, go out, and make it a great week!

Song: Thanks Dave, Sauce