Today is another #my3things episode with the primary focus being to develop your purpose. We will also include the usual Monday segments.

Featured Event: Opt Out of CBDC, a free 5 day webinar series that covers

Sign up here:

Speakers: Derrick Brose, Sal the Agorist, Jack Spirko, Rebecca Bush, James Corbett, Richard Grove 

The TRUTH about CBDCs and what must be done to survive the financial transition Set up a cryptocurrency wallet, acquire crypto anonymously, and trade with others (Bitcoin & Monero) Join the Freedom Cell Network and find like-minded people to connect with in your area Buy and sell goods and services in underground markets with alternative currencies, Put everything you learned into an actionable plan to break free from CBDCs

Today’s Sponsor:

Live this week:

Tuesday: Nick Ferguson and John Willis, 12:30pm Central Wednesday: Interview on The Survival Podcast, 12pm ISH Thursday: Self Reliance Festival Weekly Live, 7pm Central Friday: Homestead Happenings, 9:30am Central

Email feedback to [email protected]

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Spring is coming: Eating Only Stuff from here (I may have over canned last year) Freeze Drying the rest of our 2022 herbs that are stored in the freezer (why this schedule)

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

Dollar Tree. The store has changed for the better. Maybe they added r borrowed some staff, but the store has been neatened up considerably. The drink coolers are probably at least 50% stocked, with (imho) a better product mix, including Venom energy drinks. The shelves are a lot neater too, and the Health aisle has had a lot of products added, and nicely organized. The place no longer looks "picked and sad," which is good.

Home Depot was #3, just to check the price of a 2x4x8. It is unchanged from last week, at $3.35. The store was normal-busy.

Aldi was last. They still had heavy cream. We found everything we wanted, and my debit card was warm but not smoking. 

Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999/gallon.

Frugality Tip from Charles

Test the limits of the TONER LOW notifications that you get on your printers. The HP Color printer that I have has been warning of impending doom for over 2 weeks now...probably 100+ pages have been printed with the existing cartridge.

At ~$100 per cartridge...well worth running it until the print quality gets bad.

On some older printers, when you get the low toner warning, you can remove the cartridge, shake it gently, and reinstall it, getting a another day or so of light printing...

Operation Independence

The Rat Infestation and Simplifying Life

Main topic of the Show: Develop Your Purpose with #my3things

Develop Your Purpose

In the early years of developing the #my3things method, we would go out to corporations to help them create strategic plans and marketing foundations so that they could establish a way to grow their impact, grow their sales, and improve the quality of their products or services. Before each engagement, my cofacilitator and I would create the coursework for the group, customized to what we thought they most needed. 

Sometimes, we would run the groups through activities that would result in a Vision Statement and other times, we would run them through developing their purpose first. In the end, after trying both ways multiple time and with different actives, we realized that developing the Vision first, followed my the purpose helped our customers come to consensus faster. Often, they would revisit their vision statement after developing the purpose statement, but time spent crafting both was reduced over time.

Why bring this up? Because as you develop your purpose statement, you may decide that adjustments are needed to your Vision statement and that is part of the interactive process to come up with your life strategic plan. Sometimes it takes seeing the same thing through multiple lenses to fully refine your direction.

Your purpose takes the vision you have developed and boils it down to the SO WHAT? Why do you exist in this world? How is the word better because you are in it. If you are wildly successful and disappear for ten years, how do things look different in a good way when you return?

To get to this, you first deconstruct your vision statement by analyzing the key elements present in this statement that MUST be there. Basically, you *start with your narrow Visions statement and pull out elements or characteristics that are important to its success and list them. 

The short cut would be to go back to the list that you made before you crafted the sentence, but this would be limiting. Instead, pull out a new list of characteristics or elements. You will find that they have subtly changed with the crafting of your visions statement.

In the case of the Holler/LFTN Community, this is how that list looks:

The Holler/LFTN COMMUNITY provides an inviting supportive place where aspiring agorists and homesteaders can connect, rejuvenate, share best practices and prosper together in freedom.

Key Elements:

*Inviting, safe place

*supportive community

*Connect aspiring homesteaders

*Connect aspiring agorists

*Healing and rejuvenation

*best practices

*Mutual aid/ helping one another

*True freedom is a choice

With this list craft your purpose statement in terms of what you or your family or your project is. Start by getting the concept crafted, then refine the language so that it is direct, clear and concise.

Some things to keep in mind while you craft your purpose statement: 

Remember to include high-level information on how you are achieving your vision within the purpose statement Make sure that your purpose statement explains the “what” of your life plan or project This statement should also cover your why - why are you focused in these ways 

Living Free in Tennessee (Holler Neighbors) is a community that supports healing and mutual prosperity by connecting agorists and homesteaders with knowledge and resources so they can build an alternative to the violent systems currently used to support modern society.

Once you have a draft purpose statement, refine the language to be clear enough that a 6th grader can read and understand it, with as many tangible and visual words as possible. As with your vision statement, seek to reduce and remove unnecessary words through grammatical and vocabulary refinement without making it esoteric and jargon.

Once you have your final statement, take a week or so to shop it around to people and ask them to say back to you what the statement means to them. Listen carefully to the words they say and choose which new words make your statement clearer.

With both statements in hand, type them into a single document for future reference and prepare to develop your first most important areas of FOCUS that will move you forward in your journey.


Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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