Today we take a bit of a dive into finding like-minded people should mean, if it is a good idea, and how to make community work.

Livestream Schedule:

Joel Ryals Live Tuesday at 2pm on my YT No Wednesday Live this week SRF Final Q & A Session Thursday at 7pm. SRF YT


Tales from the Prepper Pantry

FD Food is great for travel Tomato wall is disconnected and we are letting tomatoes ripen on the vines Auditing Pantry for On Site Food for SRF Staff

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

We made this week's trip on Sunday, with three stops. Traffic seemed a little heavy, but it must have been church traffic, because the store parking lots seemed relatively empty.

The first stop was Dollar Tree. Ginny on Homestead Corner said her Dollar Tree (somewhere in Maine) was running out of things, and holes were being masked by plastic items spread out on shelves, but I did not see that in ours. The Health aisle has still not been restocked, but everything else looks pretty full.

Next was Home Depot. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.98. The battery carrels at checkout are only 1/3 full, but I noticed some additional islands with batteries. They may be switching things around, as the carrels are mostly Duracell and Ray-o-Vac, but the islands are Ever-ready (Energizer). The store is otherwise well-stocked. While getting some 3-in-1 oil, I found a 26" RainX wiper blade there for only $11, so snatched that up. If you need wiper blades, they don't have a lot of them, but if your Home Depot has your size, that's an excellent price.

Aldi was last. I don't recall any notable price changes, but there seemed a lot less variety in the chips and snacks area. Produce looked good, the meat area had decent stock, and we found a couple of frozen turkey breasts which we had not seen there for a while. At $11 each, I'm glad we'll get at least a few meals from each one.

At my last fill, untainted regular was still $4.199/gallon. 

Frugality Tip

The new freezer probes for $70

Operation Independence

SRF Might make a profit this time! 125% focused on the event. (Also tickets go up Wed after 12pm)

Today’s Sponsor: Paul Wheaton of Wheaton Labs and

Paul Wheaton wants to show you how to build a shed quickly, out of materials right off your own land. The coolest part? Nobody will even know it's there... Check out The Berm Shed Movie at

Main topic of the Show:  On Like-Mindedness

Back to the Land and Like-Minded People

What do we mean when we say like minded?

What should we mean when we say like minded?

Thoughts about critical thinking skills

Trust the Science and asking questions

Creating communities of like-minded people

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Assessing if something is a CRITICAL difference or a small difference

None of my business

Landing: Like mindedness is very important if we break things down to core values, but our human tendency is to equate strong opinions on a variety of things with core values. However, when we reach further, we often find that the BIG differences of opinion that we have are other people’s talking points, or things grounded in the HOW not the WHY or the WHAT. 

We can do better and focus on real goals that make a real difference when we learn to look beyond the spin and work together on core outcomes.

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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