Today, we take a step back to the basics. You know, the shoulds, the coulds and the I cant’s. The things that are relatively easy to handle but get pushed aside.

Managing Events Webinar - June 28 at 7pm (Moved the date) has tickets, speaker and demo applications, etc up.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

The Beet Story (28 jars) Round 1 of herb harvest and processing this week How I handle the dill challenge All the pork dishes! Using up last year’s chickens

Shopping Report from Joe

Weekly Shopping Report 06/18/2022

Frugal Tip

Use the sun - clothing, water, freshening blankets, growing chicks

Operation Independence

No need for a grocery store

Main topic of the Show: Back to the Basics

Story of “Google doesn’t work anymore…”and other observations.

Layer after layer of training - even in those of us who think we are immune to it Levels of complexity to everything: What it takes to buy gas at a Shell station

The programming is working even though we don’t want it to, and retreating into the woods as a hermit is not a viable life choice for most of us - especially if we are focused on building the life we want to live on our terms.

If the recession turns into a depression, if food shortage predictions turn true, if this is a purposeful reset of the economy – not if the why matters. What does matter are priorities, expectations, and community.

Back to the basics:

Kurt’s grandma story (Having fun costs money) Fusion restaurants – What did you eat when you were 16? 25? ETC What are you doing when you find yourself having fun separate from alcohol, drugs, etc? What does healthy living look like to you? Are you taking that walk every day? (Coffee break with the sheep) If you could only choose 3 things that matter in your life what would they be? How many times per day do you fall into your phone - news, social, text, etc (The 30 minute test) If you tossed out 50% of what you do each day, what would those things be? What would you be able to do more of because of this change? What are you NOT doing that would make your life better because you “don;t have time”? (Cleaning, food plans, laundry, tax preparation, walking your dogs, working out, etc)

Back to the basics is something we should think about from time to time - especially if we see that we are starting to crack, to be exhausted, to fear, to become frantic, to tell everyone that we can’t because we don;t have time. By going back to the basics, we get a break, we hone skills we may have neglected that then got sloppy, and we set a better foundation for ourselves and our community.

So, write that letter by hand, make time for a walk in the park, dive into laundry mountain, and look at what basics you’ve forgotten to keep  - because all that other mess out there is not worth your attention or time.

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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