Today, we dive deeper into a concept that came out at the LFTN Spring Workshop: Finding and embracing your Special Sauce.

Exit and Build Land Summit

Self Reliance Festival

May Webinar: Assessing Your Land For Security, May 22 at 4pm CT

Chicken Processing Workshop

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

The last two jars of 2019 and some discolored beets from 2020 Swimming in lettuce and greens Onion Flowers in salad Road food: fd cheese, cold cuts, left overs Chicken Recipe: Tuscan Chicken with Ginger and ham

Frugal Tip

Operation Independence

Launched the chicken processing workshop Using pigs to hopefully seal a pond

Main topic of the Show: Find Your Special Sauce


What do I mean by Special Sauce

I started out as a food blogger – ended up a podcaster and facilitator. 

How to find it:

What do you love? What do you hate? What are your naturally great at? What are you naturally bad at? What do other people tell you you are good at? What have you tried? Why did it succeed or fail? When you are happiest, what are you doing? Why does this make you happy? Wait 2 weeks and review Tear this down to its base elements

Ex - happy at the farmers market (great at talking to people, tells good stories, quickly establishes trust, etc)

Happy in the Garden (comfortable being alone, excellent observation skills, etc)

>>>Go out and try, learn, refine, analyze until you find your Special Sauce or Sauces

I started out as a food blogger – ended up a podcaster and facilitator. 

Used to sing rock n roll Started a food blog (could NOT motivate) Became a facilitator and story expert Tried podcasting for the heck of it Realized some things: Performer, facilitator, teacher and storytelling with a heavy musical/verbal focus = podcasting and teaching, not blogging and WRITING.

My special sauce is Story Telling, Connecting People/networking (from others), Reading People/Facilitating.

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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