Today we address an issue: How to quickly develop a deep pantry vs panic prepping. Day after day as the rumors of food shortages abound, I see lists distributed by people who do not appear to have prepped a day in their lives. Usually wheat, beans and rice are heavily featured. Instead of panic buying these items, consider taking an afternoon to develop your deep pantry plan. You will be much happier with the end results if you do. Announcements: Exit and Build, May 13-15 in Bastrop, TX (Online free or in person in TX) Getting Started with Freeze Drying Member Webinar Tales from the Prepper Pantry Addition of an electric smoker Precooking workshop things: Chili, Sweet potato chili, bacon, meatloaf, sauerkraut, feta cheese The 25 lb bag of carrots for $20 Fresh yard greens (Plantain is up!) Pre-canning assessment season

Frugality tip 

Rags vs paper towels

Operation Independence

Ordered the last of our 2022 garden seeds (Only needed green beans, turmeric, tarragon. Could use radish, beet and a few other things for the fall garden. Thank you to the seed fairy of 2020)

Main topic of the Show: Developing a Stable Pantry vs Panic Prepping


SOE Panic Prepper Video: The Basics of Being Prepared for Most Things The Basics of Food Storage LFTN Member Resources: Canning, making cheese, making bacon, pantry management - so much more


Inflation Supply chain disruptions Crop failure THINK - what season is it in the US and why does this matter (Corporatized Food System)

What happens when you wake up to the instability of our system?

Panic prepping advice

Mre’s  20 year storage Wheat, beans, rice Conspiracies

I Have guns, I’ll just hunt, shoot people for food, etc

US Civil War

What really works: Developing a stable pantry

Story: I live waaaaay out away from everything

Story: homesteading the west

Short term rectock - do it now

Investigate Allocate Prioritize Purchase Store properly Rotate

What about rice and beans?

Stable Pantry System

Store what you use on a rotation Measured in months of stability Replenishment strategy Play the what if game? (herbal remedies, grow food, local sourcing, do i really care if it is gone?, substitutions) The Perpetual motion Game Garlic example Chicken Tractor on steroids The local apple orchard Storage SYSTEM as in things are MOVING Long Term storage, short term storage, creative storage, Inventory systems

What about inflation (coming soon)

And what about 20 year storage? (A word on freeze dryers)

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Telegram Group: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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