Welcome to Living Free in Tennessee.

Today, I discuss what to do when you have an enemy. What an enemy is. And wether or not you can be successful if you do NOT have an an enemy.

Live this week!

Thursday at 12:30 Central: Nick Ferguson and John Willis (A discussion of fodder trees) SOE Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UptgqfMq3I LFTN Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Zs92HgUYM Sunday at 8pm: Live with Toolman Tim to discuss getting started with real estate Youtube: https://youtu.be/W-tIpCE4SEk flote.app/user/ToolmanTim/live

Stump the Sauce
From John: Is it wise to start a business that depends on supply chains?

Pete Quinones Show

Main topic of the Show:  What to do when you have an enemy?

What is an enemy?

eResources example Food Forest Farms example  Liberty Movement Infighting Example Sour grapes online/death threats, etc

What do you do when you get one?

Verify that they are the enemy  Who is actually the problem? Is their criticism valid? Demolish vs Denature vs Ignore vs Coexist Community protection

What if they simply will not go away?

Decide which sandbox you wish to be in Sometimes you just gotta punch them in the face

e run across people who are envious of what we can do or of what we have. They want to control things that are none of their business. There are people who think that in order to get ahead, they must destroy those who they perceive as ahead of them. We encounter people with low self esteem. And yes, some people are simply evil.

The best revenge is to cut their balls off. Remove their power over you. Rarely is this not possible, and when it isnt, it is time to fight. But when it is, there is satisfaction for years and you end up on the moral high ground.


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Logan Hyde

7 days ago

The definition of enemy is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. So I guess the only enemy I have is the state. As far as individuals I think it might be possible to have no enemies. Because in the definition it says "actively oppossed or hostile". This is a very hard question though. I'm going to say it might be impossible to not have enemies because there will always be someone or some group of people that oppose you or your beliefs.



Heather Eisele

7 days ago

I have one enemy. My own assumptions. Everyone else, I try very hard to meet where they are or avoid them so they don't become enemies. I think back to all I used to believe and how much energy I threw into the various abysses we're told are important and wonder what else I'm throwing energy into that serves nothing.






Katie Nicole

7 days ago


About 5 years ago my grandfather and I were having a rare talk about his life and the choices he'd made. His life advice to me was a rally cry. With a fist raised in the air and a sly grin he shouted, "MAKE SOME ENEMIES!" 😄 My grandfather is fairly stoic so this was pretty memorable.

I've been thinking more about that lately. He and I are on different sides of the political spectrum so I know he didn't mean people who think the opposite of me are my enemies. Or people who disagree with me.

My understanding of his advice as it relates to me was more, "Stand up and make noise sometimes. It's not a bad thing to have people oppose you." Opposition can refine one's stance and clarify one's beliefs. In that sense, I find "making enemies" useful.

I'm still actively ruminating on the concept.

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Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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