Today we will take a look at what fall means on the homestead - or rather falling into winter. The sprint has started. Everything is ripe. Animals must have winter-ready food, water and shelter. Firewood must be cut and stored. Harvest festivals are in full swing. And this year, things are about a month early in Tennessee by my reckoning. I already have chestnuts. For those of you who do not live on a homestead, fall feels more busy than spring because each week, the weather gets a little colder. And the last two weeks have been zingers at the Holler Homestead, especially with a new coffee business this year, the need to sell more ads for the Center Hill Sun, and my being a bit behind on canning this year.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Watercress is holding strong Oyster mushrooms Chestnuts Storing potatoes now, but not in my root cellar yet Volunteer tomato plants doing very well - we will save seed from them Fermentation is perfect right now Reorganizing the shelves to handle winter storage.

What we are preserving this week

Salsa Hatch Green chilies Hot chili fermentation Chestnuts Black walnuts Goldenrod Seeking a good source for sumac berries


Support us on Patreon: Armed Squirrel project interview Pork processing class at Cider Hollow Farm Giant roasting oven I like


Hot Sauce Story from Cat (Gary at The Pepper Bandit West Paducah. Fermented Hot Sauce ) Hatch Chili processing Weekend (Salsa Recipe) Pistol Training Class Canned Tomato Sauce and the methods to get it done Sauerkraut Project Irma refugees and the Hurricane party Goat Jumped off the Roof Coffee Roaster Problems New/old Day Planner Painting the Duplex Leg of Lamb With One Hour’s Warning

As you can see, sometimes things get pretty busy when you are living seasonally, working side hustles as your main gig, and generally living life. So it’s head down, priorities straight, one thing at a time - one thing that is until everything falls apart - and remember to have fun. I hope you are all having a great slide into the fall season too.

Make it a great week!

Song: Every Way by Sauce