Today we will discuss what really matters in the new world order, the great reset, and many other “conspiracies” that are turning out to be based in truth.

Canning Demo June 17  at 12pm Central: Waterbath Canning Relocation Roundtable: June 17 at 7pm Central

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Successful Travel Food Harvest Right has an affiliate program! Learning to store freeze dried foods - advice from Amanda Willis Holler Neighbor Crockpot meals are paying off

Operation Independence

Rogue Food Summary

Main topic of the Show: What Really Matters?

What really matters to people? What do we truly care about. If you take this question from a survival standpoint: we need water, oxygen and food to survive. The next layer is shelter and health, family and relationships. Then community, comfort, mental challenges, spiritual pursuits. Creative endeavors.

As we are able to cover our basic survival needs, we gain something very important: time. And time is the thing that we can use to become stronger and better. To keep our world beautiful. To create widespread security for ourselves and those around us.

Why then are our most basic needs -- those things that we require to survive -- why are they outsourced to a faceless bureaucracy? 

Have you ever taken a deep look into situations where genocide is inflicted on a people? Where one set of humans decide that it is ok to torture, murder and cause widespread suffering to another set of humans?

Have you ever seen what happens right before the boiling point is reached?

Usually you will find that the basic survival needs are controlled by a select, powerful few. You will find that there is widespread shortages and that suffering has occurred. That parents cannot feed their children or themselves.

And how do we get to this point?

We live on a prosperous plant full of oxygen, with lots of water, and able to produce food in the most harsh of environments. As humans have developed, we have figured out how to cover our basic survival needs and we have created time. Time for spiritual pursuits.

As humans have developed, we have put our minds to tough problems like how to get more food from less and less land to keep more and more of us alive.

And some have developed systems. Systems that provide “food security”’ and other such promises for all who participate. And from this, they have realized that people who are unable to provide for their own basic needs, who have forgotten how nature works, who are set up with unrealistic expectations for what they “need” to survive. These people will do almost anything to keep getting what they need. They will work endlessly. They will murder their peers. They will look the other way as the earth is harmed. They will give up their freedom of motion, of thought. They will beat the other humans into compliance. As dependency increases, so does control.

And who is in control? 

To which I ask - why do you care about that?

Have you ever stopped to think about how fragile our centralized food system in this country is? We have systems set up to provide more and more food from fewer and fewer sources. The policies here are developed to protect those few sourced from competition from many distributed ones. 

Have you ever stopped worrying about the med in “big food” sitting in back rooms selling off our health to save a few pennies on production and looked beyond the who and why to focus on what it means?

Our centralized food systems create two things: 1) Immense amounts of food for everyone to eat. 2) One of the most obvious targets to control our population.

Take down the few places and ways that food is produced and distributed and guess what? Grocery stores are empty in about 48 hours.

And most of the population has no idea how to get food without going into a store, taking things off the shelf, and bringing them home.

I don’t know about you, but I find that alarming. Do you?

Do you know how to get food if it isn’t on the shelves in the store?

You see, all the time and power that we waste on figuring out how to take Monsanto down, or tear apart Walmart---to hold those men in the back rooms of food factories accountable for making us sick. All the time we spend reading up on the dawn of big ag and pharmaceuticals. That is time you will never get back. It is really only useful as a tool to assess the world you live in.

And the time you spend in outrage about it is wasted.

Or in the words of my frond Jack Spirko -- it doesn’t matter why, it matters that.

Now, if one of your creative pursuits is digging into history and research on such things -- by all means - enjoy!

But if you want to live in a world where your most basic need is covered -- the need to find nourishment for yourself, your family and your community. Stop focusing on the assholes who got us here and start participating on developing a stable alternative to centralized food.

Being part of a solution to corporate food does not need to look like you building your own regenerative farm -- it needs to look like local participation. It needs to look like a journey. And every journey starts with one person: You.

If you look at how Agenda 2020, now renamed Agenda 2030, Now renamed The Great Reset. If you look at the core of all of them, these are movements grounded in controlling people’s access to basic survival needs To food. To water. To shelter. To healthcare.

They seek to centrally organize it all.

If centally controlled food yields a target, well they how would centrally controlling just about everything not result in the biggest target this world has ever seen? How can it possibly result in prosperity for most rather than widespread suffering?

It cant.

And realizing that is what matters. Because when you are able to see that, you are able to shift your frame to what really matters. You are able to shift your frame from control to empowerment. From brainwashing to community.

And in that shift, you are able to see a pathway where you and your friends, you and your family, you and your community can create more secure, distributed means of covering people’s basic survival needs.

Think about this: If you have 2 cups of milk left for the next 7 days, and a faceless person across the world needs one of those cups of milk, are you likely to give it freely? Unlikely. You will need to be forced with threat of death because giving up that cup of milk could lead to your own starvation. But if your child needs one, what then? You will give your child both.

As we focus on finding local sources of food, of supporting them, of becoming them -- we increase the ability of those around us to flourish. 

And this is what really matters. This is what is truly important. Finding ways to survive and thrive that do not become ginormous systems with an obvious achilles heel.

Last year when the weakness of the commercial food systems became obvious, people began looking to local farms for nourishment. It lasted as long as the shortages did. Once the convenience of grocery store options returned, people turned their backs on the very farms that were busting hump to cover local needs.

I have so many farmer friends who spent time and money ramping up their egg production only to discover that when Aldi’s $.49/dozen eggs returned, their $5/dozen eggs were no longer wanted. No matter that they had been there when Aldi was not to feed families. 

I hear this story again and again. 

Centralized food has hidden its real cost and quite frankly has made most of us cheap. We don;t care about quality we focus on price. But at what cost?

We are one cyber attack, one gas shortage, one well-placed bombing away from empty shelves.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you -- it is an easy problem to solve. Just look at what you need and decide how to either obtain it locally or produce it. Simple. A decentralized system needs producers. It needs eaters. It need distributors. It needs marketers and storytellers. But most of all, it needs a community that sees beyond the crisis, beyond the conspiracy. A community willing to participate in a decentralized food world. To put their money where their mouth is. Literally.

This is not something that has to happen all at once unless there is a rapid implosion. This is something you do step by step. Homesteaders need to evaluate their animal feed sources and practices. Eaters need a list of what they consume and where they get it -- then you can go through item by item and find an alternatives.

In the past year, The Holler Homestead has reduced our commercial needs to things like cleaning supplies, dog and catfood, and a handful of “treats”. Meat is raised here or obtained locally. Livestock feed is grown in Tennessee. We have added fodder plants to the homestead. We process vegetables grown here and close by. Almost all milk comes from a local dairy. This did not all happen at once.

Anyone who has listened to the podcast knows it has been a journey.

But I can tell you that once I solved the dairy problem (as in I do not want to be one, I want to support one), things just kept getting increasingly local and increasingly secure.  Once I did that and no longer “needed” the $14/gallon milk. When it was time to sign up for another year, you can bet I did. We may not have a milk shortage this month, but if we do next month, I don’t care. When the meat processing network -- one of ONLY THREE in our country shut down due to a ransomware attack -- I don't care. 

None of it matters anymore. The solution has been all around us the whole time. 

It is right there next to you and around the corner. It is in your local area.

And if you live somewhere where it is not, time to start building it or move. 

Because what really matters is addressing the achilles heels in your life and building up from there. Not the Rothschilds or the Pelosis. Not communism vs Fascicm. What matters is prosperity for you, for your family and for your community.

Keep your eye on the ball and take the next step.

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MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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