Today is the day you have been waiting for – the day that we do the LFTN workshop rundown. But unlike other years, instead of a blow-by-blow I thought I would center this on the community that we have at LFTN. So today’s run through will be of the superb people who attended the event and what they brought to the community. I think you are going to like this approach.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Pantry restocking is back to normal  Get ready for a turbulent fall by stocking up Canning beets, pickles Butchering half a pig this week from our friend over at schoolbell farm – he may still have some pork available so reach out if you want some

Operation Independence

Added $340 to the independence fund in honey – not sure what the dr bill will be though Basecamp is so.very.close.

Main topic of the Show: Sowing Seeds with Superb People

Grow 2020 – when I came up with that topic for the workshop, I had no idea what the first 6 or even three months of 2020 would bring. Many of us are walking around wondering which shoe will drop next, uncertain of what our future earning potential is, pissed off that the political factions are willing to tear everything down in order to win — it makes a person uneasy, doesn’t it.

This year’s LFTN workshop was likely the one that has made the biggest impact on me personally and I think on most of the attendees as well. Perhaps it was because we came together as this time, a group of doers and helpers, all in one place. 

It can be very difficult to convey the power of getting a group together like this once a year on an audio podcast and I took a few weeks to think about the best way to highlight the event, then I realized it was simple really. You see while we had great food, fun and content for the workshop — that is not what made it so powerful. 

It was you, the attendee, that did that. Every single person at the event had something to offer. Every single person did something that I am thankful for.

Sunday, after the great bee sting of 2020, I was talking with Jenni and she dropped a gem in my lap. She said something like “You know how you said that there was no huge “a-ha” moment at the workshop but that a major corner was turned. I think it was the theme – grow – that did that. We were all in the grow mindset. And if you think about how you grow things, you start with the soil and a seed and do a bunch of work. And nothing happens, until one day, there is a little teeny plant. And you nurture that until it is a big plant and pretty soon you have something that is a great big plant providing you with shade and food. That is kind of how the workshop was.

And she was right – this is the perfect way to describe it. We started with the hard stuff on Thursday, including a session about working through grief and taking care of your PTSD – which was somber indeed – and we did the hard work together, with and for each other, so that by the end most of us were ready to go back out, encouraged, and ready to grow what we want to grow no matter what the world brings.

And that, my friends, is the power of getting together once a year. A group of doers not takers. People who like to help and allow themselves to be helped. Who take responsibility for their current mistakes and next chapter. Yes, we demoed knife sharpening, knife throwing, how to make a hoop row cover for a raised bed, fermentation basics, a solar hot water heater, tasted homemade salad dressings and pimento cheese, and bourbons, and feta cheese, and salsa, and fresh salad, and smoked meatloaf and brats, and a pretty tasty venison ham. We played yard games and sang karaoke. We helped people accelerate their new and existing business ideas.

But the people. This year was all about the people. So I wanted today to give a rundown of who was there and why I am thankful for their contributions:

Make it a great week!

Song: Wolf by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Mewe Group: Facebook Group: Instagram: @nicolesauce Twitter: @nicolesauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja

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