Today Sue Zoldak joins me to talk about a myriad of things: community, marketing on Mewe, the state of the Union, and much more.

Greater Reset Jan 25-29, 2021 - Do not miss it!

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Stump the Sauce

What to do with coffee grounds on the homestead

What’s Up in the Garden

Hillside garden update: Looking for a good gentle mulch Found sweet potatoes Setting the foundation for early spring planting in the upper and hillside gardens

Main topic of the Show: A Fireside Chat with Sue Zoldak

About Sue Zoldak

After a decade in the public relations agency world, Sue Zoldak founded The Zoldak Agency in 2016 after leaving a stint at the RNC during the 2014 cycle where she met her future business partner, Cassie. The Zoldak Agency serves organizations, trade associations, grassroots coalitions, and campaigns to further their communications and outreach goals with one purpose: to help her clients pass or defeat legislation. Zoldak loosely translates into "hired gun" in Slovak and she certainly loves to win.

Why we love her

She always gives to the LFTN community She is not afraid to share her opinions and will love you even if you do not agree She cooks some pretty great looking things for dinner Design is in her blood She is not afraid to admit when she is feeling weak She REALLY likes to win She has a great sense of humor and likes to have fun

Find Sue:

The Zoldak Agency Instagram: @szque2

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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