Today, we talk with two clever folks who have figured out how to monetize their 3d printing and we cover things you will want to know about getting your own system set up  - or if it is even a good fit for you.


Christmas Reception Tickets on sale now for members, Tomorrow around 9am for nonmembers: Dec 19, 1pm-4pm

Show Resources

Main content of the show

We run a 3D design and printing business. We have been selling online since 2016. We also sell locally, as well as run multiple side hustles like reselling on eBay and other e-commerce platforms, transporting dogs, dog sitting, and small engine repair.

We have a small homestead called Half-Ass Acres where we are just starting out. We sold our house in Florida and moved to Tennessee. We bought our land outright and have been building and adding ever since.


3D Printing: Why do it? How can you make money with 3d printing, what technology do you need to learn, what kind of printer should you get, what is “difficult” about 3d prin ting, what about getting designs? AND MUCH MORE!

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


Membership Sign Up Mewe Group: Facebook Group: Instagram: @nicolesauce Twitter: @nicolesauce Holler Roast Coffee


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