Today, we hear from listeners about jumping in - getting going and addressing the thing that holds you back.

No Show Friday or Monday

Unloose the Goose is a hit! (Hosting update)

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Sometimes you need a pantry reset Spreadsheet (Next level tracking & Why) Community pantry concept Corn Salsa Recipe, feedback #MYThree Things Weekend Edition

Operation Independence

HRC is launching something really cool this week or next - stay tuned Basecamp has its new tenant - Jenni 

Main topic of the Show: jump

Synchronicity - you know how it seems like when you think about something and then start talking about it that you find other people are also thinking about it? Last week I got pretty sick. It started the Friday before last, ebbed a bit over the weekend, then hit like a ton of bricks on Monday morning. 

It completely derailed the day - I had been all excited to go into the week kicking ass and taking names. Instead I spent much of the day in bed. SO I thought I would see what would happen if I asked the community to do their own podcast segments on the topic of Jump. I am not sure how many “comment” submissions I got, -- too hard to keep track from bed -- but we got two audio clips that I thought I would play to kick us off.

So Jump. The topic from last week that is not this week. All year, I have shared with you ways to increase independence, shared my struggles and successes with my word of the year, grow.

And things have been really weird this year with coronavirus, rioting and an increasingly divided atmosphere.

Sometimes it really feels daunting to be out on my own in an an environment where the following is not only possible, but looking more and more likely:

Additional supply chain issues leading to civil unrest A full blown depression A real estate market crash Massive layoffs from an educational system that society is learning they do not really need

Humans are still animals under our sophistication and sometimes animals lash out. But there is a bigger issue in society and that is the oligarchy that uses the ruse of division, the ruse of peaceful freedom, the ruse of progress and diversity to push an agenda that is the opposite. As we see more people willing to open fire on someone who is or is not wearing a mask, or to throw a child in juvie for not doing homework, we start to see the true colors of those in control.

And when you first see it, you just want to tear it down. But using their system to change their system is like heading to the casino and expecting to win against the house. You may have times where you get ahead for a bit, but house rules = house wins. The only way to get ahead for the long term is not to play the house.

You’ve heard me say freedom aint hard, but it takes work. That is because freedom is very very simple. It means that you have no business in other people’s business and they have no business in yours, so long as no one is getting hurt. And this thing is very very hard to do consistently in part because we have to let assholes be assholes so long as they are not causing harm.

But enough about that - as we navigate this coming instability in the economy and in society, how do we best set ourselves apart from the harm? Because as you dig deep into your fear of all that is going on, while there may be a fear of getting sick and dying under it all, the bigger fear is all these coming crashes that may happen might also cause you to struggle or fail.

Listen to that one again.

There is no certainty in anything in that sentence is there? Lots of maybes and mights. As we become more aware of patterns and impacts of the decisions that the oligarchy is forcing on the people, we can see where things will likely go and it is scary.

And this fear is holding you back. This fear is how you are controlled from the outside. This fear keeps you in your bad relationship, your go nowhere job, your habit of debt slavery. 

And while the fear may be justified, fear is an emotion. One that should stop you from putting your head in a lions mouth, but not one that should stop you from handling that mud wasp nest on the wall outside your laundry room. (BTW I have a mud wasp nest to deal with outside my laundry door).

There is a difference between acting rashly consequences be damned and conquering your fear to take action on your own behalf.

So when I started thinking about this year, about my own choices, about the fear of failure, about the fear of a societal meltdown -- all I can see is a bunch of stuff out of my control. And the choice is clear: spend hours online fretting over what might happen, what probably will happen actually, -- or spend hours growing food, building Holler Roast Coffee. 

But it is hard to jump. This jump is not a baby step toward more financial independence. What we are looking at now is a big ol’ jump into the great unknown. Is it good to jump or bad?

Alas, the answer is “It depends”. It is a gift to see the potential direction that all the societal division in the world is leading us to. Why a gift? Because that same skill that we have all been developing gives us the same sight into what is likely to happen when we take a jump.

So while you may be trying to decide if you should launch your new business, 

While you are trying to make these decisions, I think you will find you already have. You have the ability to make things work. You have the ability to push through adversity. You have the ability to analyze what is likely to happen, to find someone who is more versed in a topic than you are and get their perspective, to weigh it then make your own decision.

So today, as you are looking at that next jump. Look hard - if the jump ahead of you is not right, then shift focus and take a different jump.

But dont dont dont let the current environment of division keep you from jumping. Don’t let them steal another moment of your time focusing on their theatrics. Don’t waste precious time on those who wish to enslave you, instead spend that time improving something, jumping toward something that makes your life better, more stable, closer to the life you want to live. Only you can build the things you want into your life and wasting time asking permission to do this is part of the problem.

As we look to the fast approaching end of the year, take a moment, look ahead and take that jump. Because you are the only person who can.

Thank you

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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