Today at your request, I talk through practical approach to building side hustle income into your life. This is meant to help you get the right frame of mind as you build revenue streams, rather than send you off to try 14,000 new hustles. Because right now, there are opportunities, if just working at Krogers for a month or two, and no need to feel totally hopeless about income if you have lost your job.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

A neighborly Easter Dinner: Fish, Ham, Greens, Devilled Eggs, Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Gravy Bumped Animal Feed up to a 3 months supply Still doing well with our one site stores Have a line on lamb with another friend to restock meat stores A word on whole animal cooking

What’s in Season

Another round of dryad’s saddle mushrooms Vetch is ready to bloom soon Dandelion flower Bee swarms

Operation Independence

Almost done with 2019 tax prep - ahead of my usual schedule Preparing to run 50 meat chickens

Main topic of the Show: A Side Hustle Approach to Income

Take stock of what you have Take stock of what you can do Look at technological opportunities Look at your market opportunities Choose the easy/most fun ones first and systematize them Run the numbers regularly. Add one thing at a time and leave time for recreation

Make it a great week!

Song: Calling my name, by sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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The Booze Whisperer The Tactical Redneck Chef Brett Samantha the Savings Ninja


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