Ep. 022 - Tikh and Hugh kick it off with how an individuals unique perspectives and philosophies stem from thinking pensively, which must be an intentional act - because at the end of the day, if we have all of this intake of information and experiences, how do we bake them to become something meaningful and unique? The people who do this, usually have answers for a lot of important introspective questions.

The second topic, anger, was spoken about in relation to strength. Is anger a strength? It isn't. Hugh and Tikh elaborate on this idea, inspired by Ryan Holiday's, "Daily Stoic".

Lastly, an ode to the people Living at 100. First up, William Ingalls, Hugh's brother. At 16 years old, this man teaches us something fundamental about life that Tikh feels he constantly gets wrong. An inspiring guy. If anything, this part will leave you with something important to remember.


Tim Ferriss' Podcast Eposide 210: http://tim.blog/2016/12/20/becoming-the-best-version-of-you/ 

Daily Stoic (good email list to subscribe to): http://www.dailystoic.com