In this episode I chat with Susan Ni Chriodain who is a leadership, team and business coach/consultant from the UK. We delve into business beyond the numbers and what helps support teams and leaders. We delve into presence, personal development, purpose and the benefits of doing deep inner work for business growth. It’s a wonderful back and forth chat about concepts, ideas and different ways of doing business.

Susan’s Bio: Susan Ní Chríodáin founded Beyond the Numbers to works with teams and individuals navigating change in organizations who know that putting people first generates the greatest return. Her experience and business acumen stem from a wide variety of commercial and non-profit operational, project and financial roles. For over 20 years she led and managed a wide variety of teams in Europe, Africa, Asia, in-person and remotely. A Finance Director at 33 she learnt that to have an impact required you to be brave, bold and to build strong working relationships. Technical excellence wasn’t enough; the ability to interact and influence others was key. She has a practical, no-nonsense approach to understanding and guiding others to resolve their workplace issues no matter how intractable they might seem. Susan also hosts a podcast Life Beyond the Numbers for people who are curious about having a more fulfilling work-life and want to let their uniqueness shine through in their work-life.

Contact Info:




Email: [email protected]

Podcast: Life Beyond The Numbers