Have you ever noticed the presence of someone or something you can’t see yet you feel them? You’re not imagining that feeling, and you may have been born with those intuitive gifts.

Explore near-death experiences, learn how the soul really works and discover better ways to handle the loss of a loved one in this beautiful Living 4D conversation with psychic medium Salicrow and Shaman and CHEK Faculty Member Angie Chek.

Learn more about Salicrow and her services on her website. Find her on social media via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Check out Angie on her Angie’s World website and on social media via Facebook and Instagram.


Salicrow’s opening into the psychic realm lasted for months. (7:30)Angie’s gifts began to emerge early in her life as she used her pre-conscious mind. (10:16)How Paul knew what was on his late father’s gravestone. (17:36)Viewing God like a gemstone, as all of us do from different facets. (26:09)The soul as a multiple. (45:14)The soul serves as a carrier of information as we transcend into another life. (51:46)“I’ve never met anyone who has gone to Heaven or Hell.” (1:03:54)How long can you stay in Heaven? (1:19:24)The illusion of dying. (1:28:07)Living a vacation life. (1:32:02)Two ways a person can die. (1:56:31)Have you witnessed a near-death experience? (2:04:21)“As soon as it’s time for me to go, I’m out of here!” (2:10:12) Glamour magic. (2:27:06)Differences between the death of a companion animal and a human. (2:30:03)How to handle the grief you feel from the loss of a loved one. (2:37:41)How Angie and Salicrow protect themselves from souls/spirits while working with them. (2:52:42)Know yourself and take no shortcuts. (2:58:28)The rise of Satan and Lucifer. (3:12:19)


Spirit Speaker: A Medium’s Guide to Death and Dying by SalicrowThe Path of Elemental Witchcraft: A Wyrd Woman’s Book of Shadows by SalicrowJump Girl: The Initiation and Art of a Spirit Speaker — A Memoir by SalicrowSalicrow on Open Minds with Regina Meredith on GaiaPsychopomp

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