How did the world get to where it is RIGHT NOW with so much health disinformation?

Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains why we got here and what we can do to build a better, safer, smarter and healthier world in this deductive Living 4D conversation.

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Show Notes

Andrew was already a medical detective before becoming a doctor of psychiatry. (4:05)What’s really going on? (23:29)Use recognized standards. (38:18)People have lost their connection with nature, God, truth and each other. (48:45)Andrew’s take on the renewed interest with psychedelics. (55:00)What’s behind COVID-19 vaccines? (1:12:22)Why virology is a pseudoscience. (1:26:04)Are sexually transmitted diseases actually spread that way? (1:38:47)“There’s no clear evidence that recipients from these injections actually make the spike protein.” (1:50:48)Live your values every day. (1:56:46)


The work of David Icke, G. Edward Griffin, Peter McCullough, Marcel Vogel, Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sam BaileyThe MK-Ultra programDNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral by Leonard HorowitzThe Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi KleinWhat Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong by Dawn Lester and David ParkerChristine Massey on Wise TraditionsPaul’s Living 4D conversation with Tom Cowan

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