Have you been struggling with serious problems and traumas for a long time and haven’t found a way to heal from them?

Discover how a spiritual awakening in the 80s helped wounded healer and noted author Paul Levy find his way forward and how we can avoid a world-shattering catastrophe in this life-changing Living 4D conversation.

Learn more about Paul’s work at Awaken in the Dream and on Facebook.

For Living 4D listeners: Download a free copy of Paul’s book, Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father, at this link.

Show Notes 

Paul is NOT a Jungian analyst, although people assume he is one. (8:56)Incredible suffering in Paul’s early 20s led to a life-changing spiritual awakening that nearly killed him. (11:54)Being fixed in your viewpoints is a symptom of the mind virus or wetiko. (18:18)Why are we destroying ourselves? (23:22)Creative person or wounded healer? (30:00)If wetiko didn’t exist, we would have to invent it. (44:34)An important revelation of quantum physics: All of us are collectively having a shared dream. (50:32)Can quantum physics help humanity wake up and avoid catastrophe? (1:09:43)Do you ignore or avoid a wound and get stuck with it or do you want to become a more powerful wounded healer? (1:20:20)Are you so imprisoned by your own mind that you’re colluding with it to resist feeling better? (1:29:04)“All of us are wounded healers and Shamans in training.” (1:37:24)


The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality, Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil and The Madness of George W. Bush by Paul LevyThe hundredth monkey effectPaul’s conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on YouTube

More resources for this episode are available on our website.

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